For Scotland's Mental Health

We are SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health)

Introducing The Nook, Scotland's first ever network of walk-in mental health support hubs.

The Nook will provide barrier-free access to mental health support. There will be no need to book an appointment, no need for NHS referrals, and no waiting lists.
Anyone looking for help can walk through the door whenever they need to.

Find out more about our latest plan - and how we’re taking action for Scotland’s mental health. 

 Find Out More

Can you help?

Talking is one of the first steps to improving mental health. It can help someone who is at their lowest point. It could save someone’s life.

Make a gift today

Suicide prevention

Two people die by suicide in Scotland every day. Access life saving resources here.

SAMH Stories

Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise for SAMH.

Conversations in the community

Complete our free e-learning and find out more about how to support the mental health of others.

Looking to volunteer and give your time or maybe fundraising is your thing? Or want to share your story? We are here to support you when you decide!

Latest SAMH news

Latest News, Comment and Blogs from SAMH

5 ways to improve your mental health

Evidence suggests there are five ways to improve our mental wellbeing: be active, connect, learn, give and take notice.

Learn more

Passionate about mental health?

Join thousands of others as we work to create positive change for people in Scotland.

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